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Vakhtang Burduli

Expanded Summary

In the work, the sectoral (sectoral and subsector) problems of the diffusion of innovations are systematically examined, and they are systematized in the context of innovations that are disseminated only within certain specific sectors (sectors, and in industry and subsectors) of the economy, and innovations that are disseminated in all sectors under the auspices of green economy (about 40% of all innovations spread in the world), information and communication technologies (or, in a broader sense, digital economy) - about 40% of all innovations spread in the world, production technologies and the use of composite materials and products made from them.

As you know, economic sectors (sectors in terms of types of activity or in terms of types of products or services produced in them) develop on the basis of diffusion (spread) in them of innovations (basic, improving, pseudo-innovations). Moreover, not only physical technologies are being updated, but also social and institutional (managerial or business technologies, i.e. technologies of market and other industrial relations, as well as technologies of state coordination of structural and sectoral development).

Judging from the point of view of the number of innovations (basic, improving and pseudo-innovations) that are now spreading in many industries (by the prevalence criterion), innovations that are a key factor of the modern technological order are innovations that are distributed in different industries through IC technologies (now mainly digital technologies) - about 40% of the total number of innovations; disseminated in different sectors through the green economy - about 40% of the total amount of innovations (however, innovations through the green economy partially overlap with innovations taken into account through the circular economy and ecology); innovations spread in some industries in the line of composite materials and nanotechnology; circular economy and ecology innovations spread across all sectors; biotechnological innovations spread in the field of health care (microbiology, molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, embryology, genetic engineering, virology, etc.).

This work focuses on innovations spread through digital (or information and communication) technologies.

It is the speed and versatility that made information and communication technologies so popular in modern branches of science, production and everyday life. Computers, smartphones, television digital electronics, etc. are a unique phenomenon that has radically changed the lives of every inhabitant of the planet over the past decades. In the sphere of these already existing tenologies, their modernization takes place through the implementation of mainly improving and pseudo-innovations.

The transition to the possibilities of using new forms of labor organization using automated systems for assigning tasks, enterprise management, taking into account the effective allocation of resources, electronic accounting and document management, as well as systems for monitoring production, the environment and support for making managerial and technological decisions, allows for a qualitative leap and more efficiently use the available economic potential. This transition is already taking place through the implementation of appropriate basic and enhancement innovations. At the same time, the volume of new innovative developments in this direction is growing all over the world.

Modern researchers and specialists identify ten main directions for the development of digital technologies (in these areas, both basic and improving innovations are implemented, some of them are product innovations, but mostly process innovations, however, in the service sector, many of them can be interpreted as product innovations): 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning). 2. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. 3. Big Data. 4. Telemedicine. 5. Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR / VR). 6. Chat-bots and Virtual Assistants (Bots and Virtual Assistants). 7. Mobile and Cybersecurity. 8. Internet of Things (IoT). 9. Computer Vision. 10. Artificial Neural Networks [Чеботарев А., 2018]. In most of these areas, relevant innovations can spread across all sectors of the economy.

Also, great attention is paid to innovations disseminated through the green economy.

All areas of green economy development require the introduction of innovations both in the form of introducing completely new technologies (basic innovations) and improving innovations, for example, in order to improve the energy efficiency of industrial equipment. In our opinion, the following key generalized directions of the “green” economy can be distinguished: 1. General ecosystem management (waste management, water and air pollution control, restoration and rational use of lands, restoration and planting of forests); 2. Introduction of renewable energy sources; 3. Reducing the energy intensity of GDP and increasing energy efficiency (construction of buildings and housing and communal services, industry, transport, agriculture); 4. Development of electric transport; 5. Organic farming in agriculture; 6. Development of ecological tourism.

The work also examines innovations that are spread through innovative materials and products from them. The production of composite materials and products from them is an industry in itself, while innovative products from them are used in various industries and energy and in construction.

According to expert estimates, the main consumers of composite products in the world are transport engineering (about 28%), the construction industry (including pipes and containers for housing and communal services, about 24%), energy and electronics, including wind energy (about 23% ), oil and gas industry (about 10%), sports, medicine, nonferrous metallurgy.

By the nature of the matrix components, composite materials are divided into three groups: polymer composite materials; composite materials with a metal matrix; ceramic-based composite materials. The paper lists and characterizes the types of these innovative materials, as well as lists the innovative technologies with which these materials and products are produced, and the industries in which important innovative products from composite materials are used.